We invest in small, profitable businesses
Heritage Point Partners
Heritage Point Partners (“HPoint”) is a Private Equity firm focused on businesses with enterprise values of $5mm - $50mm. HPoint brings ‘large cap’ professionalism to the underserved small business market place.
We’re professional investors with committed capital and a track record of dozens of private equity deals. We know how to do a deal fairly and efficiently for all parties. But, we also know that small businesses have special considerations. Whether it’s founder succession issues, dealing with imperfect books and records, or understanding the nuances of unique businesses, we’ve seen it all. We approach each situation with an open mind and a human-centric approach. We strive for every stakeholder to say at the end of the deal, “The HPoint team knew what they were doing, treated us fairly, and were just overall good people to work with.”
We know that business owners have a lot of options when selling their business. The point at which business owners exit and cement their legacy, or heritage – their Heritage Point – is a once in a lifetime moment for them. We think our blend of expert knowledge, human touch, and gritty determination is a reason sellers should consider us at their heritage point.

Investment Criteria
The investments we look for meet the following criteria

Predictable and recurring or repeat cash flows

Good margins (10%+)

A slant towards Business Services and Enterprise Software businesses

A history of steady growth and in a growing industry

At least $750K in cash flow / profit / seller’s earnings / EBITDA per year

For fast growing software businesses, we'd consider break-even businesses with at least $1.5m in recurring revenue
Transaction Situations